To mark the Arbaeen; 40th day since the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (‘A) in Karbala and the period of mourning for Imam Hussein (‘A), the Zawars from different parts of the world arrive in Karbala, Iraq to pay tribute to Imam Hussain (‘A) and the Martyrs of Karbala, which is surrounded by millions on the final day of Arbaeen, estimated between 20 to 22 million people.

In recent years, the tradition of walking 80km from Najaf to Karbala has been reignited. Every year since, the number has been rising steadily from 17 million pilgrims to at least 22 million.

During the brutal rein of Saddam Hussain in Iraq from 1979 until 2003, people were restricted to participate in commemorations, such as the Arbaeen Walk, the Ashura Juloos, Matam and even visiting the Harams of the Holy Imams.

Alhamdullilah, with the change, people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe make the journey to Iraq for the love of Imam Hussain (‘A) who sacrificed his life, and the lives of his family and companions. Imam stood firm against the oppression, injustice and tyranny. He revived the true spirit of Islam by his blood and sacrifices of his beloved ones.
Along the 80km stretch from Najaf to Karbala volunteers distribute free food and drinks to the pilgrims, as well as offering places to relax, wash and sleep at Mawkibs.
The Arbaeen pilgrimage transcends being just a long walk; it represents a profound spiritual journey and provides unique sense of selflessness and volunteerism in serving others for the pleasure of Allah (SWT).
Ziyarat during Arbaeen

Imam Hasan Askari (‘A) is narrated to have said: “The signs of a believer are five: performing 51 Rakats a day, the Arbaeen Ziyarah, wearing a ring on the right hand, prostration on soil and the proclaiming of Bismillah loudly (in prayer).”
(Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.98, p.329)
Thousands of people provide free food, resting places, medical care and other services along the way - to express their love for those who embark on this walk for the love and loyalty to Imam Hussain (‘A), the grandson of the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW).
May Allah (SWT) grant us all the blessing and tawfeeqat to be amongst the Zawars of Imam Hussain (‘A) in Karbala, especially during the Arbaeen, and bestow upon us His blessings and mercy here and in the hereafter, Aameen.