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BMM Kenya - Live Goat Handover Program at Bilal Centres in Mombasa, Kenya


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful

Following the success of the Live Goat Initiative in May 2024, where 141 goats were distributed to 13 Independent Centres, our Economic Upliftment Program has continued its efforts to uplift vulnerable members of the community. In August 2024, the program extended support to four Bilal Centres, distributing 66 Gala Goats to 33 beneficiaries. As in previous distributions, recipients included orphans, widows, and other individuals in need. This ongoing initiative not only improves food security but also provides recipients with sustainable livestock for long-term economic empowerment. 

Live Gala goats, known for the large size they reach and their excellent health, are highly valued for providing a substantial amount of meat and a reasonable amount of milk.

During the distribution, beneficiaries received training on essential goat management practices. Topics covered included housing goats in elevated areas, disease prevention and treatment (both local and medical methods), proper grazing techniques, and strategies for ensuring healthy reproduction. Each goat was also vaccinated against rashes and lung disease.This report contains pictures taken during distribution at the four centres.

Husayni Centre – Bahakanda

 Al Hujjah Centre – Chengoni


Ahlulbayt Centre – Moyeni



Bilal Kenya wishes to express its heartfelt gratitude to the donors and to all those members of our community who have contributed towards the recent batch of the Live Goat Scheme. We appreciate the ongoing support from donors, we have continued to expand goat farming, bringing greater agricultural sustainability and nutritional benefits to more communities.

We also wish to thank Africa Federation and the Central Bilal Board (CBB) for their encouragement towards this scheme.

This initiative remains a cornerstone of our efforts to uplift women and vulnerable families, empowering them to build brighter futures for themselves and their families. We appeal to our donors and well-wishers to continue contribute towards the Gala Live-Goat program for a sustained economic growth of the underprivileged families of the Bilal Muslim Mission Shia Ithna-Asheri community in several parts of Mombasa, Kenya.


Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya

Date: 14/09/2024

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