Saturday, 27/Jul/2024; 21-Muharram 1446 AH

Aashura Juloos in Mombasa

A brief report of the Juloos-Mombasa The Ashura Procession in Mombasa was held on Monday 5th December 2011 starting at 8pm. As is done annually, the procession began from the Husayni Masjid, fondly known as Fauj, trekking its way past the narrow streets of Old Town towards McKinnon market, across a section of Digo Road, before heading towards...

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Mombasa Jaffery Academy Charity Walk – Journey Through the Golden Years

After much anticipation and intensive preparation, the Mombasa Jaffery Academy and its sister school in Toronto As-Sadiq Islamic School linked arms across the sea and joined together to partake in the much-publicised and long-awaited three-day charity event in Mombasa, called: Journey Through the Golden Years. For many who had gone to the Jeffery Academy or its predecessor, the...

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