Saturday, 27/Jul/2024; 21-Muharram 1446 AH

Capacity Building Board – Building Stronger Marriages: Nurturing Bonds through Self-Awareness

Marriage, esteemed as a sacred bond uniting hearts and minds, carries profound significance within communities across the globe. Beyond mere companionship, it stands as a pillar of stability, harmony, and social cohesion. Recognizing the pivotal role individuals play in fostering and supporting marital relations, the Africa Federation Capacity Building Board (CBG) in collaboration with the Marriage Board of...

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Capacity Building Board – Transformative Marital Workshop held in Antananarivo Madagascar

Transformative Marriage Workshop: Marriage stands as a cornerstone, revered for its profound impact on individuals and societies alike. Beyond being a union of two individuals, it represents a sacred bond fostering love, companionship, and mutual support. Acknowledged for providing stability and structure, marriage becomes the bedrock of social order, offering a framework for the growth of families and...

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Capacity Building Board Bulletin – NPL for Madrasah Teachers in Madagascar

 The Africa Federation's Capacity Building Board (CBG) recently conducted the Neuro-Psychology of Learning (NPL) program. This collaborative initiative, in partnership with the Africa Federation Tabligh Board (AFTAB) and the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE), unfolded its insights in Antananarivo, Madagascar, on 1st March and 2nd March 2024.A group of 25 eager Madrasah teachers actively took part in this...

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Capacity Building Board – The First-Ever Swahili Language Leadership Development Program held in Mombasa, Kenya

In an age where personal and professional advancement is crucial, the importance of self-development programs are significant. These transformative endeavors act as guiding lights, helping individuals navigate the intricate paths of self-discovery and providing them with essential tools to navigate the complexities of leadership in our rapidly changing world. The successful completion of a leadership development program signifies...

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Capacity Building Board – 17th Leadership Development Programme held in Reunion

The triumphant conclusion of a leadership development program signifies a momentous milestone in an individual's personal and professional odyssey. In the contemporary, fast-paced world we inhabit, these programs assume immense significance by furnishing participants with the essential tools, knowledge, and skills requisite for effective leadership, thereby enabling them to wield a positive influence on society. Central to the efficacy...

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