Saturday, 27/Jul/2024; 21-Muharram 1446 AH

Murabbi Gulamali bhai Damji

Marhum Gulamali Damji was a prominent businessman and one of the oustanding personalities in Tanganyika during Colonial time. He was among the few educated businessmen and was a leading exporter and importer of various commodities. He was an agent of the leading shippers of London “Kay Brothers”.  During the Colonial time “Congo Bank” was very popular and Marhum...

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Marhum Maalim Najafali Tejani

Marhum Najafali was born in 1919 in Zanzibar. He was the first born in the family of Mohammadtaqi Rehmtullah Alarakhia Tejani.  He received his grounding in religion from the famous Faize Night School (Madressa) in Zanzibar. This proved to be a foundation of all his future endeavors. He graduated from this Madressa in 30s and was among the...

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Hussain Day – A tradition in need of revival

The tradition of holding Hussein Day started in 1940s in Zanzibar, Mombasa and Dar es Salaam. The aim was to propagate the tragedy of Karbala and the mission of Imam Hussain (A.S.) to the general masses. In Zanzibar the first Hussein Day was held in Victoria Garden under an ad-hoc committee appointed by the Jamaat. The Hussein Day was attended by high government officials, diplomats, non-Muslims and Muslims of...

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Alhaj Marhum MohamedBaqir Alloo

Alhaj MohamedBaqir Alloo, of Toronto, Canada was a rare example of a person who devoted his leisure time continuously in service of the community since his youth. His service in various spheres spanned over 65 years. Baqirbhai was a member of the large Alloo family, born Zanzibar in 1928. His grandfather had emigrated from India in about the...

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Alhaj Habib Jafferali Mulji Remembered

Community Lost a Legend and a Visionary Leader Marhum Alhaj Habibbhai Mulji was an accomplished social worker and acknowledged leader of our Community in Africa.  Born in Mwanza in 1930, he started serving the community in several positions from a young age of 30.  From Nairobi to Dar es Salaam he served in the Managing Committee under different...

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Fianarantsoa Jamaat




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